
Remitly expanded its global presence rapidly, from 9 send/receive corridor combinations, to 300+. Having a specific video tailored to a specific send/receive corridor was no longer scalable, and a global introductory video was needed.

In addition, our Customer Service Team received 1,530 inbound calls alone during the month of June 2018 from customers with basic walkthrough inquiries. 43% (659) of the calls were attributed to the Philippines corridor. 200 global customer contacts were reviewed and frequently asked questions were identified. We then took these insights and produced a global video. A series of 8 videos are planned to help further support and solve these customer pain points. With a more clear and simple video, we aim to reduce customer calls, retain customers, and increase the amount of remittances.

I worked closely with a copywriter, PM, and a design consultant. Together, we developed storyboards and came up with a script that was ‘human’ (simple and direct). I took this opportunity to improve on our current illustration styles, keeping in mind of scalability.


I also wanted to weave in an element of storytelling with small details throughout the video, and experimented with the animation style while keeping it on brand. Sound effects were added as an additional layer to the voice over and music. Overall, I am really proud of the final video, and it has received many positive reactions and excitement across the board.

It has since been translated into multiple languages. View them here.
